Block level Scope : variable declared inside a {} block, it can not access from outside the block is called block Scope.
ES6 introduced block scope two keywords that is let and const.
let x = 2;
// x can not be acces from here
Global Level Scope : variable declared Golobally (outside any function ) have global scope . and all bellow function can acces it. variable var is global scope variable
let mobileName = "redmi";
// code here can use carName
function myFunction() {
// code here can also use mobileName
How javascript code work intrnally =>
javscript : javscript read the code line by line and then execute the code
when javaacript read the variable VAR go to global scope and other (let , const ) variable go to block scope.
var a =10;
when the scan was done, first console.log(a) will be able to read variable a because variable a is globally available and it will show a= undifiened .
let a = 10;
// bellow wxplaination
when system scanned whole code . and then system knowing i have variable a .But is not present in global is kept some where hiddin (Ex. script block) .This is caled as Temporal Dead zone. beacuse of this code show a error.